Woody got his second shot Friday. We are looking forward to two weeks from yesterday when we will be able to do some more things we have been missing.
Read MoreI have to get used to watching the temperature in the greenhouse frequently during the day. The seedlings out there so far are hardy, but they could still freeze to death; however, the major danger during the day is cooking under the strong sun.
Read MoreCats may be difficult to train [unless it amuses them] but they are excellent at training us.
Read MoreI started seeds this week, although I’ve never had so much trouble ordering them.
Read MoreI’m sure those readers of my blog who live in more rationally run states are weary of my complaining but trying to get vaccinated in Massachusetts has been a very active part-time job.
Read MoreLike every other senior on Cape Cod, I find the search for a vaccine a full time job but one without any payoff. Under Gov Baker’s idiot plan, the pace of releasing vaccine is about the same as the rate a snail climbs a stalk of grass.
Read MoreI am so pissed at the way Gov Baker has organized or rather didn’t, just let happen, the rollout of the vaccine.
Read MoreI was afraid that something would happen on Inauguration Day, a sniper, a bomb, whatever the insurrectionists could manage. It was such a relief when the inauguration happened and did so smoothly.
Read MoreAfter watching the insurrection at the Capitol, seeing the openly anti-Semitic signs, the armed white supremacists delivering violence and threatening murder, I find it hard to escape dread.
Read MoreI kept waiting for any kind of response at the Capital equivalent to what the insurrectionists were doing. How polite and gentle the police were allowing rioters to go away without bothering them so that they can hang around to attack again. I will never forget those images.
Read MoreWe took the tree down after putting away in tissue paper all the ornaments – and you can’t imagine how many we hang on that tree. It is as far from minimalist as you can get. A few of the ornaments are pre World War II from my mother. Many are animals, birds, fish, vegetables. Some are just pretty ornaments. Some are funny.
Read MoreThe cats are going to be very sad when the take the tree down next week. They have had a lot of fun with the non-breakable ornaments on the lower third of the tree although Scwartzie did manage to reach up and knock down a red ball that broke into 500 pieces that I’m still picking out of my socks and the rug.
Read MoreOn Tuesday after a mild weekend, the temperature went down to 25 – the coldest it’s been yet this year. Wednesday night into Thursday, we got about an inch and a half of snow. It turned to rain after that, although much of Massachusetts got at least a foot.
Read MoreAfter several months of being able to see friends we trust, we are now back to being pretty much alone again. Woody had a scare and has clamped down. We had to cancel a dinner we planned to have with two friends we have eaten with a few times already.
Read MoreIn pouring rain on Tuesday, we went to Truro to get a holiday tree. We’d been warned that people had been buying trees since before Thanksgiving. Since there are far more people on the Outer Cape since Covid there’s been more demand for many objects. So, why not trees? At least somebody is making a living.
Read MoreWe had planned to hold the dinner in the living room 12 feet apart eating on sturdy tray tables with the door and two windows open and the ceiling fan on. But the day was mild, close to 60 degrees @ 3 PM —Karen’s suggestion to dine. We realized afterward that we actually preferred having the enormous feed at that time instead of the evening, when we had always done.
Read MoreKaren has a relative who raises turkeys and she is making a fresh turkey he sent her. Also the stuffing. Also antipasto. I’m making the pie, Le Potiron Tout Rond, leeks, and cranberry apple sauce. Tony is making a mushroom dish. There should be enough leftovers for at least a couple of days.
Read MoreJoy at the election results, initial euphoria has been dampened by Trump’s efforts to annul the election, his firing of people who are not 100% loyal to him and his refusal along with Moscow Mitch to give the Biden team what it needs for a peaceful transition of power. Once again, some fear is constant…
Read MoreI didn’t sleep the night of the election. It felt too much like 2016 revisited. Now I am resigned to whatever the outcome is, but I’m not in the despair I felt Tuesday night when I thought Trump had won. I don’t think media should report polls any longer. They are pure fiction.
Read MoreThe election weighs on me. Covid will go on and on and on if Trump wins or the Republicans manage to steal the election, as they’re trying to do. The economy will stagnate further. Many more people will die. Many more will be thrust into poverty.
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