It depends on when we measure, from June 2nd 1976 when we first got together as lovers, or June 2nd 1982, when we married.
Read MoreAfter 45 minutes wait and 50 minutes incoherent conversation with someone somewhere who had as much trouble understanding me as I did her, I finally got an appointment.
Read MoreIt was a week for a lot of hard work in the garden.
Read MoreThe unseasonably chilly weather finally broke on Thursday, and Friday I planted six six-packs of paste tomatoes in my garden, filling two of the four raised beds.
Read MoreWe enjoyed our first salads of the year this week and by some time this coming week, we should be enjoying spinach as a vegetable, as opposed to a few leaves in the salads.
Read MoreIt’s been unseasonably cold this week with sometimes fierce winds just about every day.
Read MoreSchwartzie thought the animal was dead. Zip, zowie! It was gone in a flash into my office.
Read MoreLast Wednesday, I performed on The Poet’s Corner a newly revised radio program on WOMR-FM.
Read MoreWhen my mother read my palm as I was visiting them from college, she told me I’d die between the ages of 38 and 42.
Read MoreIt started tentatively Friday night in bed.
Read MoreIt all began with the arrival of Melenie and Jay on Friday, when we served a duck.
Read MoreSince I’m obsessed with the Ukraine and Russian’s criminal war against a country that was democratic and fairly prosperous, I’m trying to write a poem about it.
Read MoreThe Ukraine obsesses me, reminding me of the desperate and helpless feeling I had after years of being unable to stop or even or slow down the Vietnam war and its murder of civilians.
Read MoreThis morning I remembered for the first time in decades that in high school I entered a contest, WHAT THE MERCHANT MARINE MEANS TO ME. The prize was something like $25, which meant a lot to poor teenage kid in Detroit.
Read MoreThe storm predicted to hit us hard, didn’t.
Read MoreI will miss football Sundays. It’s a great excuse to take off Sunday afternoons and relax.
Read MoreWe were dealing most of the week with great piles of snow.
Read MoreOne task we had been putting off for almost two years: we went through the refrigerator freezer.
Read MoreMingus began to look under the weather last Friday.
Read MoreWith the holiday tree given to the woods to turn slowly to compost and the ornaments packed away, the living room is back to normal, everything in its usual place.
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