We have suddenly reached the time in the spring when there is so much to do in and for the gardens that much of what we had been doing all winter is almost squeezed out.
Read MoreWoody has been putting in two new, what he calls maximum security, raised beds in his, the main garden. We’re trying hard to keep the varmints from eating all our broccoli.
Read MoreMy desktop had been dying for some time. The fan was running 90% of the time. The screen would go blank in the middle of working.
Read MoreTuesday, since Woody has his interview program on WOMR, Dale was kind enough to take me to my new osteopath and then we went to Marion’s Pies in Chatham where I bought a seafood pie.
Read MoreI’m still trying to find a copy of The Pillow Book in translation but without luck.
Read MoreWoody has begun the early garden work—arranging he greenhouse, clearing the paths, building new raised beds, etc.
Read MoreI began judging the Regional WOMR Jose Gouveia poetry contest. That took most of my time this last week. There were 94 of them. Then yesterday, I started on the Nationals, of which there are many more.
Read MoreThe temperature went from zero to 46 in about 20 hours.
Read MoreLast night, it went down to zero degrees here. That’s colder than it’s ever supposed to get in agricultural zone seven.
Read MoreI had a dental appointment that lasted an hour and forty minutes long on Thursday. When I walked out of there, I was dizzy and frozen.
Read MoreWe’ve been giving the cats too many treats.
Read MoreDale and I got the seed orders off on Monday. It was a surprise how many seeds were already sold out.
Read MoreExcept for two brief cold snaps, the late fall and early winter have been mild and wet here.
Read MoreSeed catalogs have been coming and right after New Years, we’ll start our annual seed ordering.
Read MoreChanukah ends tomorrow. Friday I made kugel for us, along with a noisette of lamb from the Noon Family Farm and leeks.
Read MoreIn every December for the past thirty years, we’ve held a solstice party but this year contented ourselves with a lovely Saturday evening get-together for six (including Shaman, who always assumes he’s invited).
Read MoreWednesday of this week, I finally saw a cardiologist, thanks to Dr. Shay’s intervention while he was vacationing in Ireland.
Read MoreWednesday, we went to Bayberry nursery to get a tree. We always get balsam. I love the scent and the needles aren’t so long as the Douglas fir trees.
Read MoreThis week, I’ve continued to gain more strength and do more than I’ve been able. I still have to rest in between bouts of working, but I can carry out many things I couldn’t even last week. I’ve been doing most of the cooking now.
Read MoreI have occasional bad days, usually when the meds I’m on cause digestive problems or when I’ve suffered a sleepless night, but on the whole, I’m slowly but steadily growing stronger.
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